Hello! I am Nicole Zizzi.

I am a three year M.Arch student and this is my first semester. I graduated from the University of Rochester in 2014 with a B.S. in Physics and a minor in Dance. The UofR offers a unique honors scholarship called "Take 5" in which students submit a proposal for a interdisciplinary program of study outside of his or her major or minor. I was accepted as a Take 5 Scholar for the academic year of 2014/2015; my self-made program was called "Architecture: Building the Bridge between Creativity and Logic." I moved to Boston upon completing my Take 5 year in the summer of 2015. Shortly after, I was cast in my first professional dance show, where I met local dancers and artists. I have since started my own Boston based dance company, Evolve Dynamicz. We started out as just two dancers, my dance partner Lisa and I, and we have since grown into a company of 9! We have performed around the Boston aread as well as in New York and Southern Vermont. This past August, we put on our first ever full length production called "SPACES," for which I designed a set of architectural objects to perform with. (See picture!) I am so excited to be here at Northeastern and to see where my studies in Architecture and Design take me!

Here is a link to a data visualization that interests me!